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Our legacy

Our story begins in the legendary Ottoman Empire, at the hands of the sword wielding warrior tribes of Anatolia, the first travelers in a journey that spans centuries. In Bursa, in modern day Turkey, was born the magic hands of Mehmetoğlu İskender Efendi, documented to have created the first Kebap. He strived for consistency and equality, to provide the same joy to everyone sharing the table. He chose lambs raised on the slopes of Mount Uludağ. He roasted the meat on a vertical grill, cut off thin slices as it was done, spread the slices atop a bed of diced flat pide bread, then topped the meat and bread with tomato sauce and browned butter.He revolutionized the art of cooking meat, and his ideals lay foundations for what we are today. 

The journey of kebabs from the hands of bursa to becoming a staple food for all meat lovers around the globe is long and arduous. It’s a story of resilience, of human struggle and survival, of breaking geographical and societal barriers, of continuous improvisation and adaption. Kebabs travelled along with the immigrants, reaching new lands, becoming their source of livelihoods. From Turkey the immigrants carried the secret of kebabs to the streets of Athens, to Mexico, and at the hands of Kadir Nurman to the alleys of Germany, where it grew and flourished and went on to conquer the world.

Our story is the story of kebabs. Our ideals are the ideals of Efendi. We believe in ingenuity, we strive for equality. Our mission is to recreate the authentic taste and the dreams that made kebabs, our vision to bring everyone together to the table. No barriers should stand between a man and his food. Rediscover the original with us.

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